Gun nuts and Karens with unseasoned chicken
Producing white tears whenever racism’s mentioned
Twerking in booty shorts…
Gun nuts and Karens with unseasoned chicken
Producing white tears whenever racism’s mentioned
Twerking in booty shorts…
Joe Biden is a white man in America.
According to numerous internet historians, including Social Media Today, in 1997, a website called Six Degrees was…
I’m not religious, and I know that thunder and lightning are caused by electrostatic charges superheating the air,…
When they retired from the slave trade, Isaac Franklin and John Armfield had amassed a fortune worth billions in…
If such a thing as Hell exists, then there must be an entrance. And if there is an entrance to the mythical Hades,…
Here’s a question that needs answering: What is the male equivalent of a Karen?
It’s an American tradition that has historically superseded political discord, world crises and even death. For more…
On this day, in 1925, Malcolm Little was born.
As we begin to flesh out this social studies feature, we heard through the grapevine (not The Grapevine) that many…
“If a white person said that...”
Social media is a great educational tool.
A group of black men exercising their Second Amendment rights showed up in the Georgia neighborhood where Ahmaud…
Before we begin, can anyone explain this Obamagate stuff that the Trump Administration pushing?
Pastor Rahsaan Armand knows the devil exists.
One day in the future, just before we head out into the post-apocalyptic dystopian landscape to forage for food,…
Imagine if Black Twitter hooked up with GroupMe and had a baby who was raised by Desus and Mero.
Although Michael Harriot is on vacation this week, he still agreed to write our weekly Clapback Mailbag. However,…