Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

Can you show us on the doll where George Lucas touched your childhood?

As a white guy, who wants to trigger some maga jerkwads, may I suggest for the collective noun: “A sleeve of wypipo”

And I’ve grown tired of this attitude that we should just settle for any ole bitch, instead of looking for and working towards, and pushing being better. Perfection doesn’t exist. Every person who’s ever received commendations in their line of work will tell you that but that doesn’t mean they don’t get up and strive

If there’s a bright side, this is the first time a Jaguar’s made a clean tackle on someone since 2017.

I am glad that (specifically) you have asked us to examine the way “we” are addressing and “making” claims about sexually predatory behavior. Now please allow me to “unpack” some shit:

This is actually a strange one we’re starting to see a bit more of.

Pretty sure ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ is the wypipo “Lift Every Voice and Sing”

I’m no where near as clever as Michael. but for me the process is usually this:

Look, the first Africans that arrived in Jamestown didn’t sign a contract, they were captured and sold for food.  There is nothing indentured about that, at all. 

“brought someone to my house...”

Sure the rest of the world liked obama, but tjhat was because he kept apologizing to them, bowing to foreign leaders, and otherwise destroyed America’s image around the world.

I was debating posting the funny republican Jesus memes or quoting my favorite passage from Frederick Douglass

“How come they never protest black on black violence???”

Never forget, Watson and Crick couldn’t figure out how DNA worked from first principles (ie math and reasoning) so they cheated - they found out that Rosalind Franklin had managed to essentially take a picture of it, stole her research and used it without permission and without credit, and then took that massive hint

Unfortunately, we already had one of those.

Unfortunately, we already had one of those.

Because there’s no point in it if they’ll be anonymous.

Also probably because they’re really stupid.