Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

Everybody should put some money back and buy a decent sized prime rib (not Choice or Select, USDA Prime) for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

I immediately take my plate to the car.

Fix two plates. Someone is going to steal one.

Lol, you must have missed the memo about the new customer-centric model of higher education.

After flooding like this the store owners are required to toss all inventory. Which is why they told police to stand down as the people were basically taking garbage out of the store.

This pretty much sums up my view on that shitty illustration.

There is no conspiracy.

Well that was a long intro...

Yeah, you’re right.  But if you’re infecting men with syphilis, it is pretty obvious that several women will also contract the disease, which is exactly what happened, and the article does mention that.  

The secret, government-sponsored plan to infect black” men (not black people”) with a disease.  

When did voting end? Was it after Monday? Because then I would think that Madonna helped clinch the win with her last push effort at the MVA’s.

Hmm, so odd, because it sure DID seem to matter whose sermons Barack Obama attended before becoming President. It also mattered whether or not Bill Clinton smoked pot before becoming President.

The cargo area of a station wagon is called the “backity, back”.

There is no need to infiltrate organizations they are already members of.

In the Pantheon of Penis Names, from the Hall of Things My Great Grandmother Said, one cannot forget “tallywhacker”.

At first I was confused by Tucker Carlson vs Crying Nazi because that’s his role on Fox, but then I remembered that bald guy. Either way, I voted for a crying nazi.

Prominent Black Conspiracy Theorists: Roseanne Barr