Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

986 people were shot and killed by police. The Washington Post’s database only covers police shootings. There were others who were beaten to death, tased, killed by vehicles, chokeholds, etc.

No one hand-waved away 150 years of oppression against Asians, Jews or any other group. That’s literal definition of whataboutism. If noting that anti-___ violence and sentiment is not the same as a system that explicitly codified the legal rape, torture and murder of one group of people is pretending it doesn’t exist

I am offended by that insinuation!

Actually the number is 28 percent black, 12 percent Hispanic, and the final two percent is represented by 2 Asians, a Pacific Islander and 2 native Americans.

I too, despise brownies.

Are the majority of voters in your city black?

You’re right. There’s an easy fix for this: