One may as well wear a white hood, while the other governed as if he were donning a dunce cap, but make no mistake:…
One may as well wear a white hood, while the other governed as if he were donning a dunce cap, but make no mistake:…
No-Comb Conway continues to dance off-beat all over my last nerve.
Earlier this month, Nielsen unveiled a study examining the broader appeal of black-led and/or -focused…
Last November, a majority of white people in America voted for a bigot for president. If you voted for a man who…
No shade to the Kremlin, but if you have to pay for a psychological dossier on Sunkist Stalin, there’s a reason Muva…
Mike Pence is Lucifer if instead of creating hell after being drop-kicked out of heaven, Lucifer decided to land in…
If Sinbad and Ike Turner had a child of great talent and potential who would ultimately squander both because of his…
Y’all’s president is one vacationing-ass bitch. It hasn’t even been a smooth full month into Tropicana Jong-il’s…
Milo Yiannopoulos is a snide, racist piece of shit who benefits from the lowered expectations typically afforded to…
Whenever a white person does something remotely decent related to black people or black culture—be it displaying…
White House Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller has the charm of Hannibal Lector and the ideology of a neo-Nazi who…
Like anything else that involves communication, your president’s recent interview with fellow belligerent white man…
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) seems to prefer that you not refer to him as a “house Negro.” Or as an “Uncle Tom.”…
Long before there was a racist, practically brainless U.S. president whose previous greatest claim to fame was being…
After 22 years of marriage, Gayle McCormick was suddenly no longer caught up in the rapture of love with her…
On its surface, when news hit of Beyoncé leading the 2017 Grammy Awards with nine nominations, it read as nothing…
Editor’s note: During Black History Month, the focus is usually on historical figures who loomed larger than life,…
When I saw the image of former President Barack Obama in flip-flops, shorts and a backward cap, along with his wife,…
Midway through reading Boluwaji Ogunyemi’s New York Times essay “When ‘Black Like Me’ Means ‘White Like Them,’” I…
Sean Spicer often looks guilty of something. He looks like the person who went into the work refrigerator, saw the…