Matthew Allen
Matthew Allen is a Brooklyn-based music journalist and television producer. His work can be found in Ebony, Jet, The Village Voice, Red Bull Music Academy, Wax Poetics and on BRIC TV.

I have mixed feelings about this. Andre is great and was so cool to me when I was first starting out in journalism. With that said, Wax Poetics Magazine’s demise began once he walked away. It was the greatest music magazine ever conceived by man and I’m just sad to see it go, even though I’m thrilled for his success

I use it as a device to indicate to the audience how the artist is perceived by the mainstream. It’s a subtle thing to let the reader know that this person’s reach goes beyond their fan-base, because if nothing else, winning a Grammy increases your profile and your record sales immediately. So, although I may not hold

Full disclosure; I actually have used the __ time Grammy-winner prefix for artists in my past articles. Like Frank Ocean said in NYT interview I referenced in my piece above, it used to mean something. When Stevie Wonder was winning 12 in three years & got AOTY three times in a row, it mean something. When MJ won

That can be an article in and of itself, which is why I didn’t go into it too deep. Nice commentary, tho.