Feminista Jones is kind of a big deal. So much of a big deal that, as a lead in for the @nbrbooks discussion of her…
Feminista Jones is kind of a big deal. So much of a big deal that, as a lead in for the @nbrbooks discussion of her…
“When did you learn to be okay with being a brown skinned woman?”
The #NBRB book club (I'll let you consult Google for the acronym's meaning) uses Twitter to discuss books written by…
I was sitting at my desk yesterday and my friend sent me a GChat message.
There are a lot of reasons not to like Lena Dunham. The way she’s chosen to cast Girls isn’t one of them.
Since I’m not a foodie (Popeye’s, anyone?) I don’t know that I’ve given Thug Kitchen enough consideration to really…
My regular rotation of music rests firmly planted somewhere in the 1990s, with pinches of the 1980s and beyond.
I was a junior in high school when a teacher came over to a group of us at lunch looking for one of our classmates.…
Let me just start by saying that I really enjoy Nicki Minaj’s 'Anaconda' video.
In last week’s piece about the Universal He Fine/He Ain’t Shit Matrix, I referenced The Gospel of Pussy Prosperity.…
Twice in the last 24 hours, I’ve received a link to a video about the so-called “Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix.” The…
In this, the 2014th Year of Our Lord, on the 23rd day of the month of July, at 6:55 p.m. EST, TIME Magazine ran a…
“I don't burden myself with the impossible task of writing the "Black Woman's" experience; to be honest, I think…
Ask any Black woman you know, and she’ll probably tell you street harassment has happened to her. Ask any teenage…
While I rep Philly to the death of me, there is a very big part of me that was born in Washington, D.C. The best…
“A lot of chicks really don’t have a choice, to be honest.”