We can definitely grub together, my Sissuh, cuz I’ll take #AllDrummies!
We can definitely grub together, my Sissuh, cuz I’ll take #AllDrummies!
Thank you. I am no Carole Baskin apologist but this screed reads like pure misogyny.
jesus - what in the name of misogyny is this post even? I’m not a Carole Baskin apologist* but the vitriol directed at her, over this “documentary” cannot be explained any other way. She is not breeding big cats, she is not murdering/euthanizing big cats, she is not preying on and entrapping young folks using drugs…
Carole Baskin is the least bad person on that show, compared to all the men who show varying degrees of malignant narcissism, psychopathy, and general stupidity and villainy.
Yeah, like, Carole Baskin runs an animal sanctuary that is actually accredited. I watched Joe ruthlessly abuse his animals, employees, husbands, and his parents right there on screen.
Yeah.. good luck with that!
Am I a spoilsport for not finding this remotely funny? She’s 66 years old. She’s officially elderly. I’m worried when old people fall, not amused.
For a future entry, it would probably be interesting to do the film adaptations of ...
I seem to remember her not wanting to raise the minimum wage all that much talking something about only raising it regionally.
I don’t blame SZA. That cover is trashy.
Funny how different folks see things differently! As a Black woman, I do not think the Black man/White woman pairing is “refreshing” at all, LOL. In fact, just the opposite—it’s pretty much the “default” interracial pairing you see in media and pop culture, which serves to re-enforce the cultural “desirability” of…
Ok speaking as someone who was also mistreated by their parents, being “bitter” or angry can be part of the healing process, and no one is obligated to forgive their abuser. I take issue with this cultural narrative that it’s on the victim to forgive their abuser and if they don’t they’re small and petty and otherwise…
This is the correct answer.
Listen, standing up for Gabby, or at least shutting the fuck up, is too much of a burden for Crews. Now, defending Gina “being anti-black women is now my brand” Rodriguez out of nowhere- that he can do. It’s such an easy and simple thing, really.
I’m going to be that one so with that said....I kinda sorta liked the first batch of episodes but gave up a few episodes into the second batch of them (the 2nd seasaon?) The show just got really dumb and I realized I liked the potential of the show than the actual show. So....
I’m Black and Asian, and while my skin is darker than Meghan’s it’s lighter than a lot of the people on the Black side of my family. Especially in Europe, I’ve gotten the off comments and looks, “where are you from” from total strangers, but I can’t imagine it’s anything like my dark skinned grandmother experienced in…
Michael, did you piss the sound mixer off? What happened to your LAV?
Mr. Stanfield isn’t wrong.