
When you read stories like this, and then you think about how they are banning law books and shutting down prison libraries, it really brings home the complete scam of our criminal justice system. It’s all just one big fucking cash grab, for fucking sociopaths. The purpose and the mindset is truly just making sure

I look forward to checking in on black Lena Dunham, after I’m done watching Elementary on the 24th. 

It’s crazy to me that people are acting like this is a crazy ask. I work in a sector of healthcare where this is a thing. We are regulated by Medicare/medicaid. Medicare/medicaid says that before you can even receive money, as a health provider in this sector, you have to have A B C. Then once you have ABC and you

This, what really makes it camp is the performance of it along with the outfit. We really needed to see more outfits in motion and what was happening around them. 

She’s doing public appearances two days after giving birth? That’s a lot. I hope she’s ok. Cause like, even beyonce waited like a week and a half for blue and the twins.

I don’t know. I guess we’ll wait and see cause the language was not promising. The way it reads now is like they’re just saying, here is more money. When it needs to say, here is more money and here are the standards you have to meet in order to get that money, and here are the penalties should you fail to meet

To quote the American poets and cultural thinkers City Girls, “act up, you can get snatched up.”

I love yoga and I go to a studio in a SE Asian neighborhood, so I have only ever had SE Asian and Indian teachers, and that’s where I see most of the blk ppl to be honest. 

There is a part in bell hooks’ Eating the Other, where she talks about how there will always be black people who are happy to sell blackness to be exploited and commodified and distorted by the white majority. Virgil is one of those ppl along with donald and Kayne and others. It just is what is is. 

However I also think Jane has a point, Petra is her friend and should want her to be happy. Weird how Petra has become my favourite character (apart from Jane obviously!)

I mean there is a reason and a purpose, when certain black people are let through by the gatekeepers. #notallskinfolk

All of this is confusing to me, because she is artist formidable in her own right. I will make fun of tay tay ALL DAY, but that girl can write a hit in her sleep. And that cannot be denied, even Reputation, which was a mistake, had a bunch of those songs been given to artists who had business singing them, would’ve

She learned a lesson, but Taylor has been doing this for a while now. Repackaging beyonce’s tour and costumes for her own watered down stuff since the Mrs. Carter’s World Tour which would have been 1989 for her. So essentially since she went full on pop. And it’s her fault cause she is letting Todrick play her. taylor

Also LIVING WILL’s ADVANCED DIRECTIVES HEALTH and FINANCIAL POA’s have them pleeeeease for all that is good and pure. 

Well then I dunno, then you didn’t watch the season. Out of the 6 black men only 3 were real options.

??? I think she did a good job for what it was. I know some people feel some type of way that she didn’t pick a black guy, but I think she gave each one of them ( there were 6) a real effort and it just didn’t work out.