
This Ariana Grande thing is just an example of the larger issue, which is the sale of hip hop and r&b culture to the white majority, like jazz and rock before it. And like climate change ten years from now, it’s simply too late to reverse or course correct. It’s also generations in the making and black people allowed

This show looks good. Good production values, but this is the first time I have heard about it. Where and who is the marketing team behind it? Like, this is why BET can’t prosper. I feel like they have picked up some decent shows, but the marketing for them is TRASH. 

Yes. Particularly adapted, I don’t think people realize how much they had to go in there and tweak and fix, because there were a lot of elements in the original comic that were flat out racist and sexist and had to be fixed.  

Michael B Jordan getting shut out for supporting for Killmonger was....something.

since Coates’ run Storm and BP are thing again currently in the comics

There’s definitely something in this story to meditate on w/r/t/ content industrial complex and affordability of it /experiences for regular people.  

But does Veronica even want to really stand against Daddy? I get that she resents her father’s control over her, but she isn’t really doing anything to affect real change or go in a different direction, than her dad. But this comment is just a testament to how the writers have completely lost sight of all these

I stan this Kiki Layne cover. It’s very reminiscent of a late 90s Brandy, but still completely her. My God, she is such a muse.  

She’s just so dumb. Like I can’t. First of All recasting in these franchinces is just the name of the game. Look how many freaking people have been peter parker. Is she so delusional to really think she was going to keep being storm in the MCU? Everything aside, let’s look at it from a logistical stand point. Honey,

This place is why I need all the fucking white hipsters from NY and LA infiltrating Atlanta to go back to where they came from.

I think my “favorite” type of racist letter to the mailbag is the, Oh poor pitiful Negro you are so smart but you would be smarter if you would just ignore racism. 

To me the Gaga thing was strange from the jump. Because one they never released the music video for that song and I always thought her re doing the song (do what u want) w/ Christina Aguilera was specifically so that the song wouldn’t be attached to r kelly anymore. Just bad and strange management all around.

I’m so happy for her success. IMO Regina Hall, like Taraji P Henson is one of those stand out actresses, that are really in the upper echelon in terms of talent and never really get the due they deserve.  

Funny enough, I think she does realize it. I think there was a bunch of parts in Lemonade that we’re a meditation on specifically that. Daddy Lessons comes to mind. And I think she kind of alluded to that further in the Vogue piece she did recently. She says something to the affect of, I look back and I see a young

16. 16. He met Beyonce when she was 16!!!! And he was already in his 30s by then.

When I was living in New York I used to run with a moneyed crowd. One of the girls in our party circle that night, didn’t want to go to 40/40 even though we had gotten a VIP thing. She told us that Jay Z sexually assaulted her one night there, and she had bad memories. I was soo young and dumb dumb, I was like, “OMG

Y’all ain’t puttin Jay on this list?  The  man did a whole album with him. But It’s fine, I guess.