The prolonged threat of COVID-19 has disrupted many of our regularly scheduled events this year, but fashion waits…
The prolonged threat of COVID-19 has disrupted many of our regularly scheduled events this year, but fashion waits…
A global pandemic. Police violence. Protests. An economic crisis. Our democracy at risk—and with it, many of the…
Tarana Burke knows better than most the power of a hashtag. After all, hers—#MeToo—turned into a zeitgeist moment…
For mothers, there is perhaps nothing more important than the health of their children, and when it comes to giving…
If this August has confirmed nothing else, it’s that where women gather, there is power; power often underestimated…
“If you want to feed a person, you pay a man,” says Joy Altimare of EHE Health, one the sponsors of our first-ever…
We are in the midst of a renewed focus upon Black safety and survival—and Black female political power—and yet, as…
You can take the woman out of Hollywood, but you can’t take the Hollywood out of the woman—or, at least that seems…
There is little to be found in the way of pick-me-ups during these dark days, but if there’s one beauty staple that…
As the 26th annual—and first virtual—Essence Festival dawned this year, #BlackFemaleAnonymous, a group of “former…
Fun fact: “WAP” may also be an acronym for “Women Active in Politics.” Both Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion are…
Just like our forever First Lady Michelle Obama, we are not going to stop talking about the importance of voting…
We, as a people, love “firsts”—even when we recognize that they are long overdue. This week, many have been…
It’s not an understatement to say we’re currently living in the age of “WAP,” an unadulterated (and very adult)…
Black women are well known as the backbone of our democracy—and, as of this week, a Black (and Asian) woman could…
As long as pay disparities for Black women continue, inevitably so will the respectability politics that insist…
I used to joke that “Pinterest saved my life.” Not literally, of course, but during an especially dark period in…
It’s once again Black Women’s Equal Pay Day—the day that marks approximately how much longer a Black woman must work…
The prospect of giving birth as a Black woman is currently as daunting as it is joyful. Black maternal health has…