It’s been a year of mixed emotions for HBCUs—including a pandemic that forced students back home, months of protests…
It’s been a year of mixed emotions for HBCUs—including a pandemic that forced students back home, months of protests…
“From Beef and Broccoli to brolic brand collabs,” reads a post from the social media page of Showtime’s Desus & Mero,…
Please excuse us if we were a little distracted by other goings-on as last week ended, and therefore missed the drop…
To say this week has been both anxiety-ridden and anticlimactic would be an understatement. After weeks of bracing…
When we grow up, we want to be like Marley Dias. At 15, the founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks—which she launched in…
Black girls are so much more than magical; they are forward-thinking, powerful, and precious. The decade-old…
We may not know yet whether Kamala Harris will become the first Black (and Asian) woman elected vice president of…
It’s been a long four years, y’all. Since Election Day 2016, we’ve lived in what can only be called a surreality;…
If you thought Halloween was hit hard by the now-interminable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, brace yourselves for…
If you’re an avid reader or writer, you might have three bucket-list-style ambitions in life: 1. to have your own…
I know, I know...between the terror of living in the epicenter of a global pandemic and the justifiable fear of…
“I think I’m relevant past Halloween,” laughs Rachel True, who first broke into our pop-cultural consciousness as…
There’s B’Day, and then, there’s Bey Week—which is a bit like Shark Week, but with much more buzz. Beyoncé kicked…
When The Root first spoke to George M. Johnson (one of our longtime contributors) just ahead of the release of their…
Laverne Cox is already well-known to body an over-the-top look—it doesn’t hurt that the statuesque actress has the…
It’s already a well-documented fact that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has disproportionately affected Black…
We know, we know—Halloween hasn’t even arrived yet, but we all know it’s a swift slide from there into Christmas,…
One of the best qualities a creator can have is to listen to (constructive) feedback and adjust accordingly—and it…
Have we entered the season of forgiveness? In his 2020 bestselling memoir, The Chiffon Trenches fashion legend…
There’s been this wild theory going around that now that all of us non-essential workers have been working from home…