Maiysha Kai
Maiysha Kai is former managing editor of The Glow Up and host of The Root Presents: It's Lit!, and your average Grammy-nominated goddess next door. May I borrow some sugar?

Yeah that comment was really on the nose.

Yep. He said one of the quiet parts out loud, didn’t he?

respect my rights and no one else’s

If your name is Ceyenne, you are automatically fierce! She is leading by example, from the heart and with Love. Something national “leaders” could learn from. I hope all the dreams - housing, clinic, programs, restaurant, job creation - come true

“Watching the continued genocide of Black people at the hands of police is honestly making me sick to my stomach...”

If they have to cancel the season, then cancel it. This is bigger than basketball. Sterling Brown and Thabo Sefolosha could’ve met the same fate as Blake, Floyd, or any other black man or woman who was unfortunate enough to cross paths with a law enforcement officer. And to think they were ‘lucky’ to get away with

Because we love America more than they do.

While nuance is not the strong suit of some who believe works such as Lovecraft Country are being appropriated, their silence about the notion of white supremacy is deafening. Which means they don’t care about the work anyway.

Yeah, well, that’s the plan. It always has been. Taking away mail boxes, voter ID laws, purging voters, closing polling places, undermining the post office, not making it illegal to distribute legal looking documentation that confuses voters on election issues, gerrymandering districts. It’s been a part of the

Great to see the recognition of Mrs. Bass. My father, mother and uncle worked along with Mrs. Bass and were part of the California Eagle staff. The Eagle was the Black newspaper owned and operated by Mrs. Bass. It was, like her, also ahead of its time.

And there is Ezola Foster, Pat Buchanan’s 2000 Reform Party running mate. 

Anything by Millie Jackson.  

I love browsing through the digital archives of The California Eagle. She was a fierce supporter of equality for everyone. 

Wow, thank you! Beautiful! TheRoot at its best!

This hurt to read and I became more angry as I continued to read. I’m tired of these white folks using every tactic in the book to keep us from achieving generational wealth. 


This is not only happening in corporate America, it is also occurring in the Federal government. I have personal experience as fed employee for 32 years. I am in the IT engineering field with a Doctorate degree in cybersecurity and working in white male dominant field with a handful of white women. I am often more

I just shared a pin of this article on my Pinterest and it has dissapeared. Unless my brain foggyness is deluding me, but I'm pretty sure I pinned it. I've just now pinned the petition, guess will c if they let that stay. Since BLM, my views reduced from 73k to 46k I assume cuz ppl don't want to look at political

As Michelle Obama observed, that “lean-in shit” doesn’t really work for Black women. Ambitious women in general are seen in a negative light, Black women even more. Corporate culture as a whole needs to change if equality is truly the goal.

A whole lot of mediocre straight white men are more than invested enough in protecting their positions that they will indeed risk the very viability of their companies and their own careers to spend at least another day depriving others of what they are worth and generally treating them like garbage.