Maiysha Kai
Maiysha Kai is former managing editor of The Glow Up and host of The Root Presents: It's Lit!, and your average Grammy-nominated goddess next door. May I borrow some sugar?

I’m sorry to see you go, but I can’t wait to find out where and when we’ll see you again!

Good luck! I’m sorry to see you leave but I know you are on to better things. This site will be poorer after you leave.

This is difficult to p0rocess, but not unexpected as it is clear the Root (and Lifehacker in general) is crumbling like the House of Usher.  I will miss your eloquent writing (and those beauty tips!). Thank you so much for all you brought to the table and may you have great success in you next endeavor. You will be

Wait...Holy shit, this is nuts! The hardest working journalist I’ve come across is leaving theRoot; Such madness! I guess the collapse is now complete, and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men will never be able to put TheRoot together again.

Wishing you continued success, Maiysha Kai. May your life’s work and play be even more beautiful and joyful that what you’ve shared here. The ink in my farewell pen is sparse as I try to once more witness the departure of a valuable and awesome (former) team member here. I celebrate your upward trajectory as part of

Well, I’m sorry to see you go. Wishing you more glow and success wherever you land! I’m somewhat set in my makeup routines but I get around (reading-wise) so who knows where I’ll happen upon ya!

Jumping off a sinking ship is probably the best of limited number of options. When this number of Black professionals quit, you know what’s up. 

I’ll never forget the day in 2011 when I got in trouble at a temp job because I spent the day reading the VSB archive instead of working. Good writing should make people mess up at work, and y’all did that. Thank you for all of the years of great writing and inspiration.

when i was just getting into my undergraduate studies, in a serious way, one of my professors (who knew i loved music, culture, history, etc) hipped me to Flyboy in the Buttermilk... it was life-altering as a wannabe writer, music historian, and musician... hopefully he’s jamming with all the sisters, bredren and

The wanton destruction of the sites known collectively as The Root is occurring out of our view as readers, but its effects are very apparent. Despite that you’re doing what our people have done and continued to do globally- cultivate love, celebrate and challenge, edify and eulogize... US. Thank you for doing it for

This is Beautiful and Loving. Thank you.

That is the exact opposite of the actual law in both the UK and the US. If I write a book and give it to you, you can’t then go and copy that book and publish it. That’s a copyright violation. And so Meghan won her case. Twice. I think the judges know a bit more about this.

She wrote a bestselling book about it. Maybe she wasn’t wrong in her part of it but it made her rich and famous.

This is the same argument as that for Reparations. Maybe you won’t directly involved but you benefitted while others lost and if you agree that is unfair then you should help restore some of that loss. I

That’s thing. A PI 40 years after the fact figured out their whole case was bullshit, the prosecutor at the time certainly knew it to. And if they stitched up one man to close a case they probably did it to 100s of others. But the state is acting like this is some isolated fluke.

Sebold needs to write another book about Broadwater’s perspective and life then make that a NYTs best seller.

Also, sounds to me like the city needs to cough up money as well and then those prosecutors, police and maybe the judge from his case need to go to prison.

Am I reading this correctly that she actually ID’d another man in the line-up, and the police made up a story to convince her to change her mind?

I just ordered his book. Thank you!

My book club read it, It was well liked by ALL. That never happens. I’ve recommended to so many friends as well.

“And then The Root hired Michael Harriot. And I watched as damn near everything he wrote went platinum. I literally became the mad rapper—because working with Michael Harriot is like being a rapper on the same label as Kendrick Lamar.”

What’s sad is that it appears she did get out, he came to HER HOUSE to do this.