Likely another reason they didn’t pursue legal recourse—but again, plagiarism in fashion has always been notoriously difficult to prove.
Likely another reason they didn’t pursue legal recourse—but again, plagiarism in fashion has always been notoriously difficult to prove.
Ummm...I love this.
I hyperlinked it in the opening line, but here you go!
I couldn’t agree more (and virtual, socially distanced homegirl hugs).
Yes, but this point, they’re boring me, so no.
Black people didn’t invent the “One Drop” rule—but go awf, I guess.
It’s been a long year, so you’re likely trolling out of sheer boredom, but I’m bored too, “relative,” you mean Meghan’s mother, as opposed to Rachel Dolezal’s two white parents?
That part.
I actually think he’s more of a Kendrick.
Also, I feel like one day we’ll be ready to talk about the fact that by Piers’ own account, he seemed to think he had a “connection” with Meghan.
It’s good, right??? I’m really into it!
We actually reposted it Tuesday.
You conveniently left out the second half of that sentence (I’m sure you noticed there was a comma after “disputed”): “ some view its beliefs more generally as a lifestyle or philosophy to which anyone can adhere.” In that context, I was actually referring to the dogmatic aspects of religion, not delegitimizing…
I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were blessed in marriage, too.
LOL! Much appreciated! Seriously, though—if you try nothing else, that Aura Mist is... *chef’s kiss*
Aww! *blushing*
Thank you.
Nah. Jamaican-Canadian.
We’ve answered this question before, but The Root’s vertical and tag actually predated the PBS show (which is also not the only one to riff on that popular phrase)...also, while I named neither the tag nor the show, the title isn’t a standalone, but The Root Presents: It’s Lit! Happy Holidays!