Lindsey Norward
Lindsey Norward is a Philadelphia-based journalist and storyteller. She writes primarily about history and culture in America.

I can’t believe there are only 4 comments on this well-written, on point post. Being an entrepreneur is no joke when you have no safety net. It takes something more than strength, especially when you add all the other insane hurdles she faced. I’ve heard her story before but the added detail you provided made her

Normally I don’t really give a shit about what rich kids are up to, because fuck em. But Kylie Jenners constantly insisting that she’s self-made is infuriating. I think I saw in a random article is that the reason why her success isn’t the product of nepotism is because apparently her parents told her they weren’t

You know how Cosmo is always printing those bullshit sex guides? Where you need three grapefruits, a gallon of goat milk, and a tarp? And everyone reads them an think “sure”.