Kirsten West Savali
Mother. Wife. Writer. Journalist. Bubber's Daughter.

The note was meh to me, but Dash was ok with it. He didn’t really like her public apology because he said she seemed to be trying to make it about her. The principal is wonderful, and so were the staff members we met with. Before anything was done, the first thing they said to Dash was that he was right and the

Thank you so much. Yep, there was no way that I was going to accept some back room apology. You want to be loud and wrong? Well, keep that same energy when it’s time to be held accountable.

It became bigger than he expected, and with the year he’s had—moving to another state, my husband’s cancer diagnosis, Hurricane Harvey and being evacuated by boat, staying in the shelter after, and having to move and change schools because we lost everything and his school flooded—I wanted to listen to him and what he

Thank you. We all have to keep saying it over and over again.

Never. We began the series with that quote and linked to it here.

Hi. Yes, it is important, which is why this is an 11-part series—of which this is video 4. In the first video, we talked about Dr. King’s assassination, and will again as we move into the point of the strike when King travels to Memphis. It is equally important, though, that we allow these men, their wives, and their

You’re very welcome. I added it to the report for clarity.

I clarified for BruthaBrad, I hope that helps! We broke this story, so as more details become available, we’ll provide them.

Hi, BruthaBrad - Merritt made that statement following the incident, which was in December. Shelton was just indicted today.

Thank you so much for engaging with my work! I appreciate you.❤️

Probably one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. Thank you. <3

There’s a lot going on. My husband’s chemo is doing well, but it’s wearing him down. That terrifies me, but I’ve spoken with people who told me what to expect. It is brutal on the body and sometimes the spirit.

Nope, I get what a cookout is, just confused as to why I would be the one to invite her when I clearly said she’s not my tribe.

No, I actually forgot about Harvey this time, though I wrote about it then and quoted Malcolm, where he said treacherous Black leaders go and sit at the white man’s table and come back and tell you and me that the man is alright.

Again, I agreed with you. I have absolutely nothing to be defensive about. Here’s where I am, though: If people are going to engage, then engage on what’s written.

No. I said empathy or knowing when to shut the fuck up. Huge difference.