Kinitra D. Brooks
Kinitra Brooks is a New Orleans native who writes about conjure women, monsters...and Beyoncé.

At first I was proud and impressed that HBO was paying homage to my ancestral Arawak language. The depicted killing of a trans-adjacent person hurt my soul to the core. Considering the actual number of trans and gender non-conforming folks killed this year alone in the US (at least 26 REPORTED cases). There are many

Definite “King Solomon’s Mines” references. But a lot of specific story beats, shots, and musical motifs from Indiana Jones (dropping into the Well of Souls in “Raiders” and taking the leap of faith in “Holy Grail” in particular).

You couldn`t have gone that one small step further and added the I for Intersex, given the "Two-Spirit" subject matter?

No, everyone deserves empathy, the attempt for another to walk in their shoes emotionally and feel what they feel, to acknowledge the authenticity of that. Sympathy is for the deserving.

I found the butchering of Yahima to be super problematic. When they were introduced I thought “there’s no way the narrative is going to sustain a mystical, native, non-binary character” and then thought “maybe I’m wrong?” And then they got canned.

I keep seeing Indiana Jones invoked which, sure, but I feel like an even more direct antecedent (and inspiration for Jones as well) is the work of H Rider Haggard, particularly the Allan Quatermain stories — a Great White Hunter and explorer who “penetrated the savage heart of Black Continent” facing mysticism and

I haven’t read Lovecraft Country yet but the Lovecraft Mythos has been scaring the bejeezus out of me since I was in Middle School. I think I can see some of what’s coming!

Everyone deserves sympathy, literally everyone on the face of the planet deserves sympathy because we are all in this together. The human condition is a hard one and everyone suffers because of it every single day.  We can recognize that Trump is a gigantic asshole while also having sympathy for his horrible

That quickchange at the house when she goes in and then he goes out and beats up the cops gave it away if nothing else.

His book gave away the game! Wasn’t he reading Journey to the Center of the Earth?

Oh we knew Omar was a bad man, but we like him for the strength of his charisma alone. We get fooled into the idea of a “code of honor” that forgives violent and evil acts since the dawn of time.

Christina and William are almost definitely the same person.

I thought there would be more about the episode other than Montross despicable act (which I thought was set up well; Tree saying that he was gay and then Montross closing the door to Yahima room, then walking behind her, putting his hands gently on her shoulders, her inviting his gentle touch and then MONTROSS SLIT

Ruby’s trip to Marshall Field’s and subsequent loss of her dream broke my heart. Her whole wardrobe and manner changed. Then the quick appearance of William when Christina arrived home (he dealt with the guys in the car) got me to thinking: is Christina a shape-shifter? Was she the other Black woman in Marshall

This show is getting better and I feel like there are a lot more unpleasant surprises ahead. I was starting to feel sympathy for Montrose but that is lost now. I think he is doing what he thinks is best to protect his family but that flimsy excuse has historically been used to commit countless atrocities.

While I absolutely loved the episode and the show overall, that’d be my only criticism. Feels almost jolting to go from the first two episodes to this. Granted the show and this ep where so good it’s a really minor quibble but still kinda threw me off at first.

*Spoilers* Thanks to your glossary, I wonder if the call to Maman Brigitte is related to Christina Braithwhite. Only because of her showing up at the end. Either way appreciate the work you’re doing and I love this show.

Watching this episode, you wouldn’t even think it was from the same series where the protagonists just experienced a wizard mansion exploding the week before.