Kinitra D. Brooks
Kinitra Brooks is a New Orleans native who writes about conjure women, monsters...and Beyoncé.

Yes. That scene was...a lot. She was ready to defend herself against the rage she saw within him. I think the presence and need for that bat scared them both.

Hi! I speak about it in the comment section for ‘A History of Violence,’ the next episode in the series. 

I think this is purposeful. Again showing how white supremacy turn oppressed folks against each other. Rather than destroy white supremacy, we destroy ourselves and each other. 

I refer to Yahima as Intersex in the second paragraph. There is also a hyperlink to the Trans Language primer which features the definition and proper usage of the term. 

He is under the “spell” of the trauma of white supremacy. As are we all. Lovecraft Country is a meditation on Black trauma due to white supremacy. It fits right in with the themes of the series.

Y’all here spoiling in the comments! Don’t have HBO mad at me!!!

Trump was abused by his father. Some folks, abused or not, don’t deserve/receive sympathy. Hella abused folks out here being absolute trash people. As a society, we are quite deliberate about who we choose to have sympathy and grace for. 

I don’t think anyone BUT Michael K. Williams has the ability to make you have all these conflicted feelings about black men who are horrible people. He is such a talent.

Next week is Montrose and Ruby’s episode. 

Yep. He definitely was. I loved that little boy!

I take that critique. I wanted to fully speak to Yahima and Montrose on this one. Talking about the Indiana Jones stuff as well was too big of a tone shift. But it was awesome having an old black man along for the adventure ride!

That is an interesting observation...let’s see how that plays out. She certainly represents death...

Truth. But I talked about Re-Animator for the first episode! I’m trying not to repeat references for y’all, but it’s going to get a bit ridiculous by the time we get to episode 10!

Now I’m gonna have to go watch this episode one more time for the color palettes! So much to take in.

I see your point. But they have been laying this supernatural dynamic over their relationship since the first episode. Let’s not forget last week’s anaconda!

I agree. I talk about Black Tom in my breakdown of the first episode and it is one of my favorite texts to teach.

A fair point to quibble.  Thanks for the heads up!

Nerdy pop culture dive? I’m that chick. 

Thank you for reading! I basically turn all my non-geek friends’ questions into an article.

That is the cutest little picture!