K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Listen, they will lead you to believe Florida is blossoming because the real estate market was booming and Disney and Universal.. hotels and resorts....Most regular class folks work two jobs, or have a whole bunch of people living in one place. because rent is astronomical here. I am blessed. 

Thank you, sis! I have freelanced here. That’s bugged out in Michigan. What did they do after automatically creating cases against folks?

That number is well over 200k.. it’s a damn travesty. And they presented the CARES Act like everyone had access and that is a bold-face lie. You can be eligible for the federal money if you– 1. lost a job over COVID-19 and it has like 7 reasons. And if you had unemployment before and were about to get hired and didn’t

Florida needs a disclaimer for folks who move here...I know I needed one. 

The way he is handling this situation is going to ruin him politically. He can get all the photo ops and praise from Trump he wants... folks will remember not having money and losing shit. I can’t wait. 

Welp.. there it is. 

EXACTLY! This photo is everything. 

Moron is as moron does. 


NIGGA!! No puedooooooooooooooooooo!

There we go!! You know Black people love when white folks love us..... and she has natural hair. :-/

Time of death 12:09 pm


This... The only reason I am here for it is because she’s a Black woman but she ain’t no Michelle Obama– BY ANY MEANS! 

Not really... I mean- yeah at LEAST- he has the “my wife is Black” thing going but dat’s about it!

Nepotism much? The hell?

I cackled at this headline... But “They Finna Die”

FACTS. He was hitting us over the head with bops.