K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

STFU.. Everybody here got that is was a joke but you.

FACTS! You either go full light-skinned or full black ass nigga!! Asking to speak to all the managers. Then hitting them up on ALL THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PUBLICLY COMPLAINING! They hate that!

$4000? NIGGA. Who we fighting? It would be well worth going to jail to slap everybody who came at you with the shits.

Now this is petty perfection.

Bill can stfu.


Lmao.. I did think like “this dude fell like a white girl.” And you can’t fight....WTH? 

I was so annoyed at how much he didn’t get it but I loved him too..lmao


maaaaan... Jordan Peele is damn brilliant! I love that he trusts that the audience is intelligent. I, legit, left the theater putting shit together that hadn’t occurred to me while watching it. It was just as genius as “Get Out” yet completely different.

Yes!! Booked and busy!! This is what happens when Black folks cover each other! 

Yo!!! hahaha

I thought I would have a ton of drafts..I had 2...One was...The Shit Black Latinos Are Tired of Talking About” ...I gave up on it after I realized that the title really should have been... “The Shit You’re Tired of Talking About When You’ve Always Known You Were Black”

I’m totally here for #3!!

But God also knows you can’t properly conjugate verbs. Fuck off. 


Word!! lol

Girl!! RT everybody needs a ratchet friend... I think I’m THAT friend to most of my people.. but wait.. Who’s gonna be MY ratchet friend?

Not only has being from rural Louisiana made an impact on his views on race but also he is 70 and my Daddy, before he passed, was 75... that was still a pivotal and volatile time for racism in the North and South. I will be honest- I don’t really know how I feel about your stepmom trying to convince you that you were