K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

You better speak!!!

🙄Statistically black folks date and marry black.. why do we keep having to say that?

It ain’t my issue...I don’t check for niggas who don’t want me.

And why does everybody keep calling her his wife? They’re not married. That’s his baby’s mama.

Naaaw..Poor whites still have it better than the richest negro.. all they have to do is clean up

but he has though.

The issue isn’t that he’s with a white woman, which keeps being highlighted like that’s why sisters are mad while the fact that he has said some ridiculous shit keeps being glossed over for some reason.

How can you raise a black faced boy to be white? What she wanted and what she had are 2 different things.

Bro.. first of all... you are so nice with a pen...I crack up.

I, only, came to second that Fuuuck Jay Electronica!! lol

I haven’t bought a Yeezy album since “Heartbreak and 808", sir.

And women shared that dumb shit like, “Awwwwww!”

I wanna love him so bad because he really is talented....I also wanna punch him one good time in the throat.. Dammit Yeezy

His hottest beat ever was on “Can’t get enough”.

Lmao... that’s hilarious.

“Boring as THE fuck” took me clean out....