K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Instasluts!! *dead*

When I hear this, I KNOW I’m about to be hotepped.

I said what I said... NEXT.

Being a Detroiter, I’m here for this!

I’m certain that white folks need to find something better to do than cooking and killing us.

Until that last part, I was with you... Saggy boobs come with being a woman. Breastfeeding, gaining or losing weight.. etc..


I’m just here for that shot of Michael B. Jordan and his scarification markings.. that was absolutely beautiful!

You didn’t ask me did I look at someone and c see they’re bi.. you said am I attracted to bi? like wtf is it.. i’m not attracted to biracial either what’s your point? well better said racially agnostics ambiguous men

Transwomen come straight off the privilege bus.. what are you talking about? That does not automatically go away when you transition to being a woman. That privilege is imposed ALL DAY on black ciswomen...

Naw... you don’t forget what it was.. You’re playing.

No I’m not.. because I also said.. I, ONLY, fuck with who I fuck with and if they aren’t in my tribe.. they get dust.

No.. I’m not attracted to bi people and so what if I’m not.. what is wrong with y’all?

They had cismale privilege.. you’re being obtuse.

Ciswoman is not fucking spaced, transwoman will not be spaced. Becoming a woman from being a man, wouldn’t bring male privilege into said womanhood?

She’s so wack.

THIS RIGHT HERE!! Like the absurdity.. I will respect what anybody does but policing me and telling me what I need to do,  ain’t the ticket.

I don’t really with white folks ever so they’re a nonfactor for me... I have trans, gay queer friends who I GO HARD FOR... But just like you said.. everybody ain’t my ministry and that when included black women sometimes... it is what it is.

Exactly... and I didn’t exclude them. I did say that I’m not putting ANY problematic asshole over black women. and I meant it.

Chile.. gone on somewhere with that shit. I didn’t misgender anybody.... you’re whining about a God damned space in a word yet ignoring the very valid and real issues I brought up? This by far is the worst gaslighting I’ve ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE.