Telling me that you are a black man means nothing to me. She never asked for Rock or Chapelle money so that’s irrelevant to the point. Mind you AMY DID- initially. She went back AFTER she learned what Rock and Chapelle were paid. So that’s rich.
Telling me that you are a black man means nothing to me. She never asked for Rock or Chapelle money so that’s irrelevant to the point. Mind you AMY DID- initially. She went back AFTER she learned what Rock and Chapelle were paid. So that’s rich.
This..we can agree on.
I cape for black women..PERIOD.
Now you’re lying to kick it.
Lena raped her younger sister and she’s fucking weird but you keep advocating for her bland ass. 😑
Yes.. Amy is.
Lmao.. . and her subsequent movie bombed.. You must be white with this half ass argument. You REALLY tried to use an old ass movie from 2015 when Netflix approached her in 2017 after her last film tanked? Ok. 😂😂
That’s the issue though...People are letting how they feel dictate ifcthey think that a person should advocate for herself
This was the worst strawman argument in She isn’t a a comedienne.
An OSCAR and a hilarious role in a comedy! C’mon man!! I can’t!
“Trainwreck”? HOw many people do YOU know that went to see that shit? lmao
And she’s still wack! So if the argument is based on relevance- then Amy should have gotten 500k too. *shrugs*
Again... her relevance is not the point. Everybody who feels they have a worth also feels that they are relevant. She isn’t relevant to you or even me... but she SHOULD ABSOLUTELY advocate for what’s fair for her in her yes and accepting that punk ass 500k in lieu of Amy’s 13 MILLION... would be that bullshit.
Heey boo! he looks like life has been kicking his ass DAILY.
And nobody here will tell you that you shouldn’t.
first of all.. that nigga’s black is cracking like hell...And lastly, if this obscure ass has been don’t go back to the crackhouse he came from....BYE .
Thank you!
You didn’t fully research your argument.. Mo’Nique had a movie released 11/2016 with an all star cast... which did fairly well considering it had a 17 million dollar budget and grossed almost 43 million... that’s bankable.
Every word of this!!