K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

NIGGA. lmao

Yep... they literally wiped out all the men which is why there is patrilineal DNA with Taino genes

Writer bae. what did I say? 😂😂😂

This Sis.. that theory is almost 15 years old. Here’s the latest..

And not to mention.. that they never talk about how the Spaniards played torture games with the Tainos.. slamming babies into rocks, slicing people in half with their swords and raping women and little girls as young as 9 and 10,and feeding live babies to dogs...

I would have done it for her for that comment.. :-p

Well now looka dere... that’s a thought. lol

Kellyanne loos like she’s had a hard ass life...Jesus!

Nawwwwww.. this mfer ain’t 32... I don’t care if his mama has a time stamp on her vagina from when his head popped out.. lmao


This is peak whiteness... AND more receipts to the anti-blackness of fucking Latinos!

Lmao.. I give no damns about the Knicks..

Yeah.... we don’t need to talk about Jeremy Lin’s “dreadlocks”... Them shits are dreadful..BUT they AIN’T LOCKS.

Men who say females like it’s proper -douche.

“Tidal” is still a beautiful album... Her first 2 albums are outstanding!

And Michael Jackson COULD SING!! His backgroucd vocals were the shit too.. You can hear him on the Doobie Brothers.. “What A fool believes”

Madonna and J.lO can’t FUCK WITH Janet... not even if she broke her leg and was on crutches... Madonna is a white chick with good white people rhythm with extreme flexibility but she does not get “legendary dancer”. In fact , when you watch her vids... dancing doesn’t ease out her body .. she definitely learned the


You just know she burns patchouli incense...lmao I fux with Janet!!