K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Son!! My daughter learned throwing herself over bed backwards.. clear the bed... lmao

Lmao... I was going to make a video of me and my baby dancing to Afro-beat... We just have to shoot it.. lol

Naw.. hoes love ..never mind.

Shannon Sharpe is my favorite uncle! I LOVE THAT GUY!

White person reporting about the “Blacks”?


Let me go read that act....Thanks!

It’s not but I’d rather have it on me than not. I don’t think the government will ask people to literally turn all of their weapons...that’s not what this country was founded on... WASP men would never fully disarm their country.

Yep, my friend! Welcome to the land of AARP pamphlets and camphor-scented ointments.

Always “one lone gunman” even though witnesses always seem to say there were more people... Interesting huh?

And that’s what they “said he said”.... they killed him so nobody knows for sure...

Here’s my theory on gun control... It will never really affect the people like Paddock... Just lower class whites and minorities.

Lmao.. is that shade to Cuba? He didn’t eem grow up to be cute so there’s that!

That’ is the purpose of grits to accompany big ass shrimp.. other than that.. they are useless.

I get it..people are conditioned to cook one way...It will be ok... lol

You know what???? lmao. You ain’t never lied.. Like Your ENTIRE family is brown on down and here he comes looking like his Daddy is the white mailman.. lmao

Not really.


Hell yeah I thought to get my gun...I don’t always carry a purse.