K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

I try.. I try!

Every time I hear that,I think “for a pink muthafucka wth a badge and a gun.”

You got it!

Smited?? lmao

Well damn!

Lmao!!! Right. I’ve NEVER had that.

I won’t.

it’s not an omission.. I didn’t grow up with that shit...in fact, I don’t know anybody who eats that.

Greens are African not Southern by origin.. just like okra or quimbombó. They don’t require meat. 2 out of 5 foods on this list aren’t solely Southern or Southern origin.

Ambrosia? Who the hell makes and eats THAT?

You’re not helping.. we gotta go BETTER. lmao


 LMAO I am!!

you’d miss me.

you don’t want this black girl magic..lol


Then you sir are softer than baby shit.lol



i can’t...