K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Not THESE niggas...lol

And I’m looking like...

When I read that young woman’s story, I could already hear the fuckery ensue.... SOMEBODY is gonna questions her motives for telling now. Because somehow this shitbag is still NOT a predatorial waste of life. I love black people but I HATE niggas!

I gotchu!! I was looking like “Who ain’t getting naked?” If clothes weren’t required.. I would NEVER wear them..lol

Just say you want to stop wearing a Jimmy hat! lol Naw but seriously... having children is a blessing.. when you’re ready, it will happen.

Lies and deception.


AMEN! Or that’s what I heard.....from a friend.

Bruuuuuuuuuuuh.. Just nawl, baby.

Whe I saw the preview of La La Land.. I was like.. “what in the white world of shenanigans is this shit?”

Well you know the blacks wouldn’t get it... :-/

Literally Heka Activated posted the dumbest stat EVAAAAAAAAAAH on Facebook.. like search her.. and these Nilgrims were cosigning this dumb shit... She legit said.. that black folks can look directly at the sun.. she does it and nothing has ever happened to her...

This is such a magical time.... I am so excited!!

But his DAD RAISED HIM AND HIS SISTER...You missed an entire section of information. 🤔

Uuuummm you are telling a bold face lie... EUROPEANS ARE RACIST AS FUCK. Nice try though

Damn...it really seems like men don’t have it as bad.. but then we see your story...


See being black and then delicate white butterflies. I HATE to say this is a situation where a white mother resents her black children... but most mothers aren’t sending their babies overseas to live most of their young lives.
