K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.


Uuuummm.. Eastern Europeans are anti-black as fuck, sir! And mentioning your nonwhite wife... means what, exactly?

Girl.. the damn nerve! Why do white folks feel like they have to come to us with their frustration.. the hell you telling US for?

Hey.. Excuse me, chap... just a few of things..

Companies don’t want to risk the association.


Yoooooooo! MC Brains was fine but mad little..Jesus!


1.Anything over 3 times of attempting to smoke weed... makes you a weed smoker.

Chalk is actually associated with being anemic.

hahahaha I DARE YOU!

Hahahahaha Crowdsourcing!! Nice! Did you see the lady eating the pee diapers yet? Yeah google that one! Brrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuh!

Wow.. Thank you! I republish here mostly... I write for my blog. :-) A couple of things aren’t reposts though.

I got nothing!

You didn’t know what, love?

Thank you! Amara La Negra is holding it down!! lol White people will send a thank you card and fuck you up at the same time.. Chile, boo! lol

Nuri, I’m trying to understand how it was meant if not meant to be pejorative?