K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

*cackles and falls out*


Y’all out here reckless and disrespectful in these veggie streets... Quimbombo (okra) and cauliflower are awesome.. although I prefer mine fried or in soup...

It’s important to know that when you use your voice eventually you run out of things to say. Folks who listen to that voice have to acknowledge that.

Your handle is ALL THE THINGS!

I am here for this. I played tennis as a kid and my dad always bought us Tretorns or Etonics. Get that coin!

Heeeeey boo!



I am ok... How are you my love? I am shole bout to follow you though!


Tiddays are so overrated!

DD is like the average nowadays... they better come on!

It’s not really..lol

GIRL!! Sell them!

This is great and everything but they straight left out sisters with big boobs...They get a gasface for that.. It’s cute though!