K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Let her spit and strike me.... LAWD!

I damn near peed myself! HOEMAHGAWD!

True atonement would be allowing the descendants of slaves in this country go to the school for free. That’s ensuring that they would actually enrich the lives of the black kinfolk of slaves.

His black has officially cracked.

Shout out to the ignant ass black kids with manners! I do still say- “Please” and “Thank you.”. That’s important..lmao

“I’m not here to teach blackness to alt-wypipo or black people in sunken places here on Kinja. So I won’t”.

I felt bad for Keonna Green. Like that was her high school sweetheart. How bout this? Kenny, Nick, Shaq, Antonio, Carmelo... etc.. are all shitty ass people. I, often, wonder why their pride goes to hide when it comes to leaving? I can’t. I get being the wife comes with “whatever”. I am a wife.... but I have hot “fuck

Chile!! lol