Justin Smith
Author of 'Sight', 'Human', and 'the World'. Co-creator of the Pigmented Perspective podcast.

Never has been and never will be. It’s actually a turn off if I see a chick at a party down a bottle of it. 

It’s ok. You’re not missing anything. Hennessy is nasty af anyway and I’ll fight anyone who says they drink they shit because they like it.  It’s drank more for a look and to be talked about and I'm not sure why. 

I have a friend who is allergic to roses. Also super rare, and inconvenient, because no one ever imagines it could be possible, so they try to give them to her. Coffee! Roses! Could be anything.

Henny Is Overhyped Nonsense - Reason #162632662kabillion


I learned something today. I didnt know Hennessy was made with nuts. I’m not allergic but that shit gives me the most awful headaches. So, I shoot tequila like a boss. Lol.

When “Doing It For The Culture” Goes Wrong aka I’m Glad I Survived The “What Black Folk Are Supposed To Be Doing” Phase.

It’s not in that clip but yes. Colbert ended the segment by quickly promoting Pewdiepie’s new game and also upcoming book. That said, why not have one of the biggest stars on earth on your show? Do guests need to be shilling something in particular?

It’s almost like Jimmy Kimmel’s not very good at his job. Strange, really.

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

Is this guy wearing an ascot? Your city burning is not ascot attire.