Nice ((((applause))))
Nice ((((applause))))
Well-written & understandable. I haven’t faced any major health problems thus far (thank God); but fibroid removal a few years ago terrified me. The realization that I am no longer 23, won’t ever be 23 again, and that things can be growing & festering in my body without my knowledge was alarming. We definitely need to…
This post is so important. Our mental health is often the last thing (if at all) we think about. It was my family pathology that we didn’t learn how to take care ourselves mentally. Whenever our mental/emotional life was mentioned it was always to say they have to be “stronger” to fight something external.
I was 25 or 26, working full time, going to school full time, volunteering 20+ hours a week and trying to have a social life when my body went “HmmmNOPE” and I developed the autoimmune disease I’ll have for the rest of my life. It’s been more than a decade and there are ups and downs but I’ll never really be okay…
I regularly edit my life by dumping toxic relationships, establishing boundaries at work, and spending time in spaces where I am loved, celebrated and nurtured. When my skin acts out, I take immediate action to figure out what’s going wrong on the inside of my mind to help fix what’s happening on the outside of my…
Thanks for sharing that. It’s a beautiful reminder that mind always has to come before body, no matter a bodies affliction, if any semblance of peace and understanding of yourself is to be found.
Thank you for writing this. My autoimmune diagnosis (MS) changed my life for the better. I didn’t get healthy and face my anxiety until I had to. I haven’t had a relapse in years, but I get mini-flares if I tax my body too much. This means, if I start getting worked up worrying about something, my hands might start to…
You forgot the wine but I’ll take all three for when I’m struggling 😄
As my former therapist used to remind me: You are your body.
I regularly edit my life...
Such a thoughtful read about the importance of mental and physical health. Stay well, sis!
Excellent and insightful piece about the relationship between the health of the mind and the health of the body. Thank you for sharing your story.