Lester Holt answered any doubt about how prominent a role race would play in the first presidential debate of the…
Lester Holt answered any doubt about how prominent a role race would play in the first presidential debate of the…
"Lester Holt is carrying the weight of the nation," Dylan Byers reported Friday for CNN Money.
The American Society of News Editors reversed itself Tuesday and released diversity figures on individual U.S.…
Amid the eye-popping statements by Colin Powell revealed in hacked emails made public Tuesday was his belief,…
The American Society of News Editors has ended its longstanding practice of listing the number of journalists of…
After all but ignoring for months a Native American demonstration that led Saturday to dogs being sicced on the…
Ajamu Baraka, the African American vice presidential candidate of the Green Party, has declared President Obama an…
George E. Curry will be memorialized this weekend by the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton at services in his…
George E. Curry, a veteran journalist who championed the black press and was reviving online his beloved Emerge…
The 19-year-old son of a Chicago police officer returning home for a visit from St. John's University in New York…
Bill Clinton, acting as a surrogate for his wife's presidential campaign, told Asian American journalists and voter…
In a half-hour podcast [audio] recorded Wednesday by the Futuro Media Group, led by public broadcasting's Maria…