The Louisiana school has been the subject of frequent discrimination complaints.
The Louisiana school has been the subject of frequent discrimination complaints.
Former officer Timothy Loehmann was fired in 2017 due to inaccuracies on his job application.
The school announced its plans to acquire Wesley College last year.
How many times do we have to keep teaching you this lesson, old man?
After nearly a decade, it looks like the long dormant football series is set to come back in a big way.
Andre Hill was killed for being Black with a cell phone.
Joshua Jaynes was fired in January after inconsistencies were found in how he obtained the information that led to…
Nothing beats skirting in the whip and outrunning the law.
Storm is the queen of Mars. Long live the new queen.
In other news, do any Black people actually live in Denver? I'm going to need a head count.
No, this doesn't mean that Donald Trump has been indicted. Yes, I'm just as disappointed.
The family wants a new grand jury impaneled and for the body camera footage to be released publicly.
The decision comes after conservative pushback initially led the university to refuse
The bulletin was issued as at least 34 states are set to end their state of emergency orders.
Private First Class Travis Owens was discharged after the investigation came to light.
The mural appears to have been vandalized by a white nationalist group.
The school also announced plans to build monuments to the slaves who help build the university.
If you ever wanted to throw hands through the power of golf, have I got a game for you.
The report was commissioned last year after the murder of George Floyd.
White nationalists hold positions of power? Wow, who could've seen that one coming.