I got you lol
I got you lol
This is correct. They was referring to the actual people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story of Isiah Bradley was, in my eyes, a commentary on how there are so many notable Black men and women across history who’s stories are forgotten and sometimes never even told.
I cannot not see John Walker as Kurt Angle now, thank you for that
It’s good! Dare I say it’s great. But I feel like we won’t be able to truly judge the project in its totality until all the parts eventually drop. It’s like a really fucking fire prologue. Gets me hype for what’s to come, but not necessarily it’s own standalone thing. I think Tim Rogers did a great job on breaking…
Oh I totes get the “white dudes telling a samurai story” critique, because I do share it myself. Particular to odd inclusion of the “Kurosawa filter.” It’s like it wanted to be a serious historical take, but clearly it’s just a homage to the filmic interpretations of samurai as opposed to one truly rooted in Japanese…
I mean, my guy really is just tryna take the people’s elbow to Shinra.
Those games have perpetually been on my backlog, I hear they’re great!
Hey folks! To clarify, I only meant that the ports of I-VI were trash, not the actual games. IV and VI rank among my favorites in the series with VI possibly taking the crown as my favorite.
Damn. I never even really thought about it like that.