Clarkisha Kent
Nigerian. Care-Free Black Girl. Crystal Gem. Comic Book Blerd. Writer/Director. Snark Mage. Coiner of Chet™. Lena Dunham's Nemesis. Petty Word Witch for Sublime Zoo.

I personally really loved super powered Asian Rihanna aka Elektra and I generally live on the island of Karen is The Worst. The yellow peril stuff with the hand was bullshit, and also didn’t make sense. I get your reading of Elektra and it doesn’t really help that we didn’t get a more fleshed out picture of her until

I wonder how much Disney’s new streaming service plays into all of this. 

There have been rumblings for a while that Disney will bring everything into their streaming service at some point, which makes sense for them (but sucks for us since that’s one more subscription to buy).

From a story telling perspective, I agree, but I think the way Netflix would look at it is that for a good few years their lineup of Marvel shows created a lot of buzz that probably drove a lot of people to them who, even after the Marvel shows are no longer producing new material, will stay with Netflix.

I thought it was ironic that Harlem was shown as predominantly black on the show when IRL it’s the opposite.  I was always waiting for a gentrification scene but it never came.

Based on some of the articles I’ve been reading, it’s possible Netflix is abandoning the Marvel show line altogether. With Cage it seems like the double whammy of creative differences and waning interest from the public did it in.

Based on some of the articles I’ve been reading, it’s possible Netflix is abandoning the Marvel show line altogether. With Cage it seems like the double whammy of creative differences and waning interest from the public did it in.

The thing is, because Netflix doesn’t publish viewership data, there’s a huge chunk of information missing that makes it hard to gauge all the reasons behind a show’s cancellation.

I agree with this, the show had a lot of potential but it never really clicked. My friend and I started the second season but eventually dropped it because it was getting pretty boring, which is crazy to happen on a thirteen episode show.

This is a good article. I simultaneously hope it does and does not get cross posted on the other sites. Spoilers abound from here.

I heard that the cancellation of Luke Cage was due to “creative differences,” like making the season 10 episodes instead of 13. I feel this may be a case where Coker didn’t want to compromise in a way Netflix/Marvel wanted him to and they pulled the plug.

It’s sad what you took from this excellent article is ‘dividing the victims by race’. None of the history of how America views victims, none of the assignment of innocence versus the mitigation of impact, none of the wrong-headed community support of lack there of. Just All Victims Matter? No, nope and naw!

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 All of the stars!!!! Thanks you

Good piece. Justice is already hard to come by but all these other variables make it seem like it’s a pipe dream. It shouldn’t take innocent people not getting their due for us to realize that the guilty not only walk among us but are usually the ones in positions of power.

So clear that they never had the right people in the room to make this happen.

Im assuming they spent or misappropriated it all.

WakandaCon? You couldn’t pay me to even take that seriously.

Speaking of “all over again” has anyone checked in with the folks who announced a Wakanda-themed convention within a week of Black Panther crushing records on its opening weekend? Not that I’d be suspicious, but I’d be... curious. Very curious.

Not everyone who looks like you is for you.

Why can’t the money be refunded? This all sounds terrible. As a Black woman who is into manga/anime/comics and has attended cons and festivals I know how important something like this could have been. The so-called “geek’ spaces are very anti-Black, and the mysogynoir is the worst. Black women who cosplay get the most
