lol If Bathesda games are known for being buggy, imagine how buggy an open world survival resource gathering game will be. :P
lol If Bathesda games are known for being buggy, imagine how buggy an open world survival resource gathering game will be. :P
I’ve disowned a relative, close to seven years ago, due to his complacency and his nonchalance towards a woman (a stranger) that was being beaten down by a man, on a public street and during the day. We both came upon the unfurling scene during a store-run.
This is so needed. The stigma in many of our families, churches, and neighborhoods are just.. silence. And the damage to black women - and kids - last a lifetime, if we even all survive.
To the men who may be reading, I would like for you to set your deflectors to “off,” your “whatabouts” to silent, and hit snooze on any bruised feelings. If you don’t hit or abuse women, you are simply complicit but still a generous share of this problem. I want to address you to save a few sisters some typing.
Thank you for this.