The U.S. Capitol is still at risk of a domestic terrorist attack—potentially one even bigger than the violence white…
The U.S. Capitol is still at risk of a domestic terrorist attack—potentially one even bigger than the violence white…
We’re a year into the pandemic, but the U.S. government is still getting around to implementing some common-sense…
The recent revelations of a Pentagon report sent to Congress ahead of the 2020 election probing white supremacy in…
Another COVID-19 vaccine is likely to hit the scene in the coming weeks, hopefully hastening the day when the nation…
Illinois on Monday became the first state to eliminate cash bail, the system under which people are kept in jail…
A former officer with the New York Police Department, whose duties once included guarding City Hall and the mayor’s…
One year to the day that 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down by Travis McMichael and his father Greg McMichael…
At a Senate hearing on Tuesday, the former chief of Capitol Police, Steven Sund, stridently denied that the violent…
On Monday, the U.S. marked nearly a year since the ongoing coronavirus pandemic arrived on our shores by reaching a…
An independent investigation into the deadly 2019 arrest of 23-year-old Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colo., has found…
America exports a whole lot of its culture to the rest of the globe—music, movies, ways of dress, slang. This…
More than 50 years after Malcolm X was assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in New York at the hands of members of…
Mara Brock Akil’s iconic Girlfriends came back into our lives via Netflix last year, but though binge-watching the…
There’s already evidence of telling slip-ups from organizations trying, and failing, to authentically show a…
While the behavior of many of the police officers who faced the enormous mob of Trump supporters and QAnon adherents…
Congressional Democrats are moving forward with the campaign promise of overhauling America’s problematic and…
Here’s the latest bad news coming out of the horrid COVID-19 pandemic: Black Americans have lost nearly three years…
Black organizers are leveraging the powerful showing of Black voters in the last election to call on President Biden…
According to Herbert Washington, a former Oakland Athletics player and current owner of 14 McDonald’s franchises,…
The racial inequities that have been brought into stark relief by the COVID-19 pandemic are again being made…