The first few weeks of 2021 have been a lesson in white privilege for anyone who’d still like to deny its existence…
The first few weeks of 2021 have been a lesson in white privilege for anyone who’d still like to deny its existence…
You’ve likely heard of the racial wealth gap, and you may have already seen its impact on your own family’s ability…
It’s disturbing that nooses, which are a well-known symbol of racial terrorism and violence in America, continue to…
Some good will follow all the unrest and sadness that took place in 2020. Part of that unrest were the many…
It’s frequently said that modern video technology has helped expose the truth of the racism in America that Black…
Former President Donald Trump is having a real rough start to the year. A little over a week after his supporters…
You may have gotten wind of some allegations that have been swirling across the internet about Atlanta-based rapper…
The Black Lives Matter movement, which has proven itself a defining force for human rights advocacy in our time, has…
It’s beyond clear that Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene does not belong in Congress, as information continues…
Another day has brought the unfolding of yet another aspect of the multi-layered Capitol insurrection story.
I gotta tell you, I love the squad–i.e. Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and Rep.…
Here’s a heartwarming story that’s come out of the drama between hedge funds and retail traders (many of them from…
The fall-out from the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol continues. A second police officer who responded to…
The San Francisco Board of Education has decided to kick some presidents’ names off of public school buildings in…
Vladimir Fardin, a 9-year-old boy who was separated from his family and held in a shelter for unaccompanied…
The Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin flagging that there is a “heightened threat environment”…
If I ever say I am past being surprised by the depths of mendacity that people can exhibit, please quickly disabuse…
We have to give President Joe Biden credit. One week in office and he’s making moves towards establishing a…
A video captured by a witness to the arrest that took place on her property shows an unidentified officer falsely…
It shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, yet it’s still very disturbing to hear that federal law enforcement…