Ishena Robinson
Writer, speaker, finesser, and a fly dresser. Jamaican-American currently chilling in Chicago.

I know this reads on the surface as racism and it was almost definitely driven by that at its core, but I think the bigger take away here is that air travel has become so fucking ridiculous that all it takes is 1 racist flight attendant to shut down a whole flight and get the FBI involved.

That’s an odd way to spell “to apologize to them and offer compensation for our organization’s decision to humiliate them under a shameful pretext.”

“Sept. 14 flight which departed from Birmingham, Ala” was all the information needed. You know dem southerners were just itchin’ to nail some terries around 9/11

The sad thing is that we all know it happens too lol. You have one drink or act cordial with them and suddenly y’all are the best friends that have ever existed in their minds. 

Cops can say what they want, this brother got himself and his family home safe and sadly that is a win in this country. Sue their asses to force as much change as you can (won’t hold my breath), but the other real victory here is the man wasn’t taken from us because he weighed his odds and took the best option

I don’t judge other people’s fears when it’s in their face. This shit can feel super real, super fast, especially when it’s out of the blue and you have no idea if it’s credible because you’ve been putting yourself out there for a while.

Every time there is an outbreak, these asshole blame it on immigrants from Central and South America, even though they one from countries with high rates of vaccinations. Bigots through and through.

“What these white women want is the ability to control the uncontrollable [getting a less than desireable kid]... Like most wypipo’s about power...

Anti-vaxers, from all political backgrounds, are horrible and are what happens when massive privilege, victimization, and ignorance meet.

What this is really about is white women wanting to retain the “right” to harm their children and the children of their others. It’s not borderline racist to co-opt the language of the civil rights movement to try and keep the privilege of exposing their children to diseases that have long since been cured and nearly

If the biggest Hood snitch to ever live Alpo Martinez can walk the streets of Harlem again without a care in the world then I bet donuts to dollars that Danny Brasco will be just fine. Once the trial is over another gang will start extorting his stoopid ass and he’ll start releasing records rapping about how Gang-Gang

Passive aggressive system forces women and people of color to be be aggressive in order to get any kind of service, then refuses services because “aggression.” This is a feature, not a bug, for the status quo. This isn’t an accident, it’s by design.

A few polls have shown that approximately 15% believe that Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas, etc. were faked to implement gun control.

I’m right there with you. Usually I must see shit for myself to believe its validity.

Glad she did the right thing but I hope she’s ready for the coming retaliation. Black and she didn’t sell the official lie? She’s done with the PD.

Right there with you.  One can only watch so many videos of the pigs beating, shooting, abusing, killing POC before your soul goes numb.  I believe it happened exactly how the victims (in this case the teen and the aunt) said it did because it has happened exactly like this 1000s of times before.

Yup. You would think that the grown-ass man who punched a kid who poses little to no threat would receive the most ire, but... nope. It’s the woman who used harsh language that caused all of this!

I don’t take anyone’s opinion as my own but I find I have to on these videos because I can’t bear to watch them anymore. I simply have no more mental storage space. I see the pics/screenshots, and my mind can call up so many images that don’t need to be refresed or replenished.