As someone who went to college in good old Massachusetts, this seems about right. Vermont is just keeping on keeping on.
As someone who went to college in good old Massachusetts, this seems about right. Vermont is just keeping on keeping on.
This is just them saying the quiet part loud. the entire point of a dress code is to police the bodies of PoC and women. It’s something they can point to and say this is why you’re wrong this is why we’re punishing you for expression. Dress codes are always, have always, and will always be racist and sexist. Their…
The school needs to cite why this is necessary. If not, they are just making shit up to fuck with black kids.
Can we just stop it with the “I’m JuSt BeInG hIsToRiCaLlY aCcUrAtE!” bit?
And before that, it spent centuries REVELING in it, fought a war in celebration and protection of it.
“If anything, it fought the war against those things”
Then you need a history lesson:
Donald Trump is the most American president we’ve ever had, because he reflects who America really is, and while he shoulders some blame, we should come to terms with the fact that America has always been racist, America has always been xenophobic, America has always been misogynist. It’s easy to blame a person. It’s…
The United States of America didn’t do that.
Did those states separate off and become another country? No, they didn’t. They’re still part of the US and ‘proud’ of it and their history. So yes, it absolutely was the US. And everything that happened to people of color after that? That was *ALSO* the US.
Jesus Christ, this pedantry. So HALF the country fought a war to protect it. Then they continued to celebrate the people who fought that war for another hundred and fifty years.
No, it absolutely was the US. Not “all” of the US does not mean it wasn’t the US. Just like it isn’t “all” of the US reveling in that same ideology now. In point of fact, even after the abolishing of slavery, this country’s leadership did everything in its power to make that act meaningless. And they succeeded…
watching host Nicolle Wallace frozen on the spot, understanding that something big is happening in front of her but seemingly with no idea at all what to do with it, or herself.
As the saying goes — the first step towards addressing a problem is recognizing that you have that problem to begin with. America has spent decades either pretending this undercurrent of racist hate and intolerance didn’t exist or passively rewarding it. And before that, it spent centuries REVELING in it, fought a war…
his empty gun
Y’all know I can be harsh on men. But Good Lord, please bless this fine (and I mean FINE!) young man for so many things: for having a code of honor, for having a sense of duty to help children, for actually risking his life to help! And for showing the world that it’s ok to express human emotion, in uniform! He is…
America is so fucked up your PTSD develops PTSD.
So. A country where a mostly unregulated flow of high-power guns finds it way into the hands of white racists led on by a White Supremacist circle jerk of media and Executive power tries to shift blame away from their own causative words and actions.
Tituss Burgess is a goddamn treasure! Conversely, Andy Cohen is an overrated personality and an opportunist whose done a great job exploiting and capitalizing Black culture.
If anyone doubts it just search for the New York Times sunday magazine piece on him last year. It highlights everything you would expect from him, mainly he’ll do anything for fame and money and seems to genuinely enjoy hurting people. The piece points out how we have a reality tv President and the general culture of…