Thanks for sharing your story! I wish you all the happiness and love from the family you’ve chosen and created for yourself <3
Thanks for sharing your story! I wish you all the happiness and love from the family you’ve chosen and created for yourself <3
And what’s worse is they expect you to be grateful for that dehumanization. “I think this part of who you are is NASTY and INHUMAN and FROM THE DEVIL and I would KILL ANY CHILD OF MINE who had that same identity, but I’ll still talk to you. I’ll even ask for your advice on fashion. Wait—that’s not enough for you?…
Wow. This is so beautiful and loving and kind of her to do.
Not to them. To them, apologizing to a black person is hard to swallow.
Now I know what that lady I talked to recently meant when she said the NAACP chapter she went to after being discriminated against at her city job was playing for the powers that be. SMH.
“They don’t want the culture unless it’s something they can appropriate.”
I think Black twitter responded so strongly because they’ve been in Joy’s position with a similarly nasty White Woman in the Workplace. It’s like PTSD flashbacks. They aren’t defending Joy as much as they are identifying with how she likely felt in that moment.
These are the kind of sad pathetic excuses for human beings that want to kill us for being Black and doing something with our lives because they don’t want to face their own inadequacy.
Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.
They want to be in the schools and the hospitals too, because they want to hurt us and our children. Remember the EMT who was bragging about using extra large needles on black kids?
They LOOOVE them. Look at that Fox News dude on the far left smiling at their ignorance. Just like how they love Kanye now. It’s truly sad that these black people don’t recognize that. What kind of self-loathing...
I have to say Michael Cohen has become one of my fav characters in this entire shit show, esp since his Testimony hearing.
Don’t agree with you putting that on Obama, but I will say Obama’s blindspot—believing in the goodness of Americans prevailing despite all evidence to the contrary—is why he probably never thought all that would end up with Donald Trump being elected President of America. He still hasn’t seen Americans as who they…
Agreed. His time is gone. And though I valued his presidency—and think it may even be what we needed during that time—his approach during his tenure partly led us to where we are today. He was elected because we were hopeful and he made Americans believe the best of themselves—because he did. Now we’ve seen the worst…
Damn, I love her.
I stalked this guy’s instagram after hearing about the announcement and it gave me a little more insight into Don Lemon and his evolution. Don likely went to school with mostly white people and still socializes with mostly white people, and he’s super comfortable with it. I think the Trump election really made him…
I feel so sad for Kanye’s children. It also makes me extra disgusted with Kim because she’s okay with his behavior. Forget being a good wife or a good person--what kind of a mother is she?
Sick fucks. But remember there were Jewish guards in the concentration camps. And their victims said they were even worse than the Nazis.
For our generation I definitely think the lack of empathy/accountability created by internet culture has a lot to do with it. All teens go through discontent, loneliness, feelings of isolation—but now when a girl turns a teen boy down he can go on the internet and call her a slut being an anonymous handle, and then…