Dr. Imani J. Walker
NY raised me. LA made me. Full-time Black woman. Psychiatrist. Mental health advocate. Eternal boss.

I aspire to this woman’s greatness. And seriously, the stones on that guy who tapped her shoulder... She was reading a fucking book, not watching a slew of YouTube videos on her phone without earbuds. It in no way impacted you, pretentious white dude.

So much hidden humor!! Well, obviously, there’s the lady in question, who DGAF. But then there’s “Dude Throwing Shade at White Guy Reaching Around Him”:

Why I gotta wear more clothes than Jesus in Church tho.

Oh, my god, the white people who try to out-ethnic each other with their food choices.

Gwen Stefani should also be listed under bindis. She wore them a lot in the 1990s and was not called out for it much at the time.

No, wash cloths help to exfoliate the skin and remove bacteria that can be both harmful and the cause of lingering stank. Just rubbing soap on your body does not make one clean.

I think no trigger warning is needed because this picture shows the reality of how race relations have been dealt with and the consequences of racism

Emmett Till’s mother asked for those photos to be taken so the world could know what happened to her child. This goes beyond white people being “titillated” by dead black bodies. This is about remembering. This image was on the cover of magazines at a time when the men who did this could literally get away with

Black person: “I’ve experienced racism before and I know this is racist”

Could have been worse. Remember the last black kid disciplined for looking at a white girl?

One of my relatives has a laugh like a braying donkey that can be heard several blocks away and she’s never been kicked out of anyplace. Never even been asked to tone it down a bit. She’s white, though.

Considering no amount of money makes up for such abject racially-motivated humiliation...

Ok. So fuck all the people who are going to say, “But we dont really know what happened! They could have actually been harassing the other guests! Let’s not pass judgement because we were really there...”

It’s rude to tell me how to eat my pizza.

Turn it over, put some aluminum foil on it, it'll do if you run out of plates.