In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:
In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:
Fair! I figured I’d mention that this is a possible route for others like me who balked at the process she goes through. She’s a better woman than I, half the time I can’t convince myself to shave once a week, let alone that routine every other day. More power to you!
I’m a guy. An old, white guy. Those ladies are beautiful.
“’s like an army of my mom.”
Enjoyed reading, didn’t want it to end!
“MAS: Bruno is good at what he does, but it’s funny how Bruno wins nine Grammys for doing what he does, but the people who actually did that kind of music didn’t win any Grammys.”
Gazing down from a billboard overlooking 125th Street (aka Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard) in Harlem, “Dapper…
Thank you, Dr. Walker. Thank you.
Thanks for this. We need to call out each instance of little black children being treated like grown adults and having their concerns and feelings ignored. We need to be as vocal as possible about how our children are treated (especially at school) and to talk about mental health issues in the black community. And the…
I’m sorry. This is an obnoxious reply to a sincere and personal story—the story of a society that devalues the experiences of black girls and ignores the troubling stories of two recent suicides by two girls who were much too young to be wrestling with such adult difficulties. This story deserves much much more…
You are reading way more into it than is there. My response to her was respectful. Nothing I have said here is ridiculing her. If you are personally feeling some type of way about it because of experiences you have had in the past, I get that, but again, that’s not my issue.
I did not owe her a thank you. She didn’t provide me with any information I wasn’t already aware of or already assuming. I knowingly went into a nonmonogamous sexual relationship with someone. I assumed (correctly) that there would be other women. I acted accordingly. Protected myself. All of that.
She wasn’t in a monogamous relationship and she knew she wasn’t. She was feeling some type of way about finding out who one of the other women he was messing with actually was. That’s entirely different than being in a monogamous relationship and finding out your man is cheating.
I didn’t ridicule her, and I am not bashing her actions. I knew what I was getting into, and I took the necessary precautions. I gave her the best advice I could and moved on.
but I think we could all benefit from dethroning the idea that sexual intimacy is the highest form of intimacy that two people can share.
Oooh, Monique, you should write a column on teaching the masses on how not to get dickmatized (shit, who am I kidding, that calls for a whole damn series). Some people have an easier time with it than others, but I think we could all benefit from dethroning the idea that sexual intimacy is the highest form of intimacy…
It seems to be a “relationship immaturity” issue. It’s also common movie, book, and daytime tv trope.
Tony Todd is also adult Jake Sisko. Arguably the best episode of DS9, which was the best Trek, which was the best sci-fi franchise.
Trump being called a bitch in public needs to happen with way more frequency.
When they go low, we’ll get lower and punch you in the taint.