As a Queens native, I am mature enough to objectively say that it’s a good time to be from the Bronx.
As a Queens native, I am mature enough to objectively say that it’s a good time to be from the Bronx.
It’s no secret that Hollywood has a problem with inclusion.
Love, in its purest form, makes all of our hearts smile. As a black person, I must say, that there’s something so…
One thing’s for sure: Kelly Rowland’s got lewks.
By now, perhaps you’ve heard the name William Jackson Harper.
On Wednesday morning, protesters rallied outside of RCA studios in New York City with one message: Mute R. Kelly.
Today, conversations about sexual violence and harassment towards women have infiltrated popular culture, the news…
Months before his Oscar tweet debacle, The Root sat down with Kevin Hart to discuss his forthcoming film, The…
We often speak about the “strong black woman” archetype, but what does it mean to be a “vulnerable black woman?” The…
Last year when promoting his Academy Award-winning film, Moonlight, director Barry Jenkins found himself at the…
It’s no secret that Jesus Christ, known in Christian circles as the Son of God, is often depicted as a white man.…
“African Americans and Hispanics, brown people, we are the driving force on the major social media platforms,” said…
From deep conditioners, to relaxers and gels, on any given day black women put tons of products in our hair. We…
“I always say that if I were not a celebrity, I’d be invisible” said Viola Davis as she sat across from NPR’s Audie…
Every year The Root honors the best and the blackest on an esteemed list that we call The Root 100. If you’re just…
Melanated news here! Get your melanated news here!
Have you ever slid in anyone’s DMs? Done online dating? Gotten back at an ex? Better question: Are you willing to…
Whether seen or unseen, black women have always had a hand in the American political system.
I think we all can agree that the 2018 midterm elections are critical. This means that our votes matter more now…