This, my hip hop novices, is what we call an ether.
This, my hip hop novices, is what we call an ether.
This post sorta reminded me of this post on Reddit today:
I have never really been a fan of cocoa butter, since I am not a fan of the way it smells.
No, we get it.
I came here just for this!
For those of us that watch the shoe regularly (GUILTY!), the fact that they are separated comes as no surprise. The way that they talk to each other on the show, it always seemed like divorce was imminent.
I keep telling people: At some point, these people are going to realize that he lied to them to get elected. The jobs that are gone are NOT coming back, and there will be more job losses to boot. The brown people are staying because the corporations need someone that they can work for no money, or damn close to it.…
I suppose we just get lucky if they survive, what with no pre-natal care after the wealthy get through killing everything for everyone but themselves.
So in other words, it’s a documentary for those of us about to re-enter The Dark Ages?
Welp, since we human are pretty much determined to kill ourselves off by any means necessary, all Hail the rise of Caesar:
And there you have it, in a nutshell. Poor people shouldn’t be allowed to have sex. Period. The only reason for the existence of poor people is to work long hours for very little money to make rich people richer. They cannot have lives outside of work, families, or anything that might take them away from their…
And she gave him a kid, so she at least had guaranteed income for 18 years.
Anyone with actual boobs and hips has been declared “fat” by the frat bro establishment, and can no longer been seen on screen until they are declared sufficiently “healthy”, despite the fact that they are all tugging one to Christina Hendricks
That is his biological daughter, not his lover, and you have just skeeved me right out!
Slightly off-topic: IS anybody other than me finding it a little creepy that his daughter Ivanka, seems to be preparing to fulfill the FLOTUS role? It seems that Melania has little or no interest in being FLOTUS. In fact, her attitude this entire time has been more along the lines of “I did not sign up for this.”
Dangnabbit! I love her voice so much, it is disappointing to read that she seems like she might be a little mean-spirited.
So I guess I am in the minority that actually liked the movie, as nothing more than cute, campy (seriously, SERIOUSLY campy!) fun. Zac Efron almost made me reconsider my firm stance against being a cougar! j/k I kid, I kid. But I was looking forward to the live event, but now I will be picking up my niece from the…
Funny you should mention the menstrual thing. She and I discussed that a while back, and I bought her her own set of supplies, and told her about the importance of keeping one or two products on her just in case. She has also become slightly uncomfortable with her male pediatrician (he is kind of a douche, too, but…
Yeah. Last weekend I took her to dinner at a new Chinese buffet (she loves Chinese Food), and to see Moana. Dinner was cool, except that I kinda grossed her out by eating raw oysters, and she absolutely loved the movie. We could both use more days like that.