100%! Woot!
100%! Woot!
I know this is going to sound a bit crazy, but if you are not a fan of childish behavior, maybe don’t go to a showing of a movie where children might be present?
With all of the Leaving Los Angeles essays that we are subject to here, I completely feel you. Most of us native Angelenos feel pretty much the same way you do; good riddance to bad rubbish. The only reason we leave is because it is getting so freakin expensive to live here.
Maybe she thinks if she plays the Hollywood Game without complaining, eventually it will lead to better roles.
Well at least now we know that those interviews are as weird for them to do as they are for us to read. While I’m glad she’s de-sensitized to the sexism, I will giver her some props for calling it out as what it is.
Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ.
You just made me snort water threw my nose at work. DAMN YOU!
Why you gotta shade 1971? I was born in 1971, so I consider that a banner year!
She had a few good scenes in True Blood where you got a glimpse of her range, but, yeah, she wasn’t a major character in the books, and I think once the producers realized that they had a very talented actress on their hands they tried to find something to do with her, and failed. Miserably and often.
So, super happy to see Rutina Wesley again. She was mostly wasted on True Blood, and it is so good to see her get to dig in to something meaty and wonderful. She may FINALLY get her due.
Bacon really does make everything better.
Soft pretzels, FTW!
A friend of mine said that the comedians were going to have a field day with the RNC. He was quite right.
OMG. My daughter is 12, and it has already started. Do you mean to tell me I have 4-5 YEARS of this to look forward to?
Please don’t kill my one of my favorite genres, action/suspense, with BS.
Mario Lopez died and went to TV Nerd Heaven.
EGAD! That poor woman! Well, at least we know that the US is excellent at helping people leave our country. At least she is trying to get back home to China.
It would seem that TS has an incredibly thin skin, if any of this is true. I only say that because she has made an entire career off of dating and dumping famous men, then writing a song about it. In fact, it just seems like most of her songs are hit pieces about people she doesn’t like for some reason or other. But…
Check upthread.