Although I am mostly referring to the paid commenters that haunt comment sections, a few of my more adamant friends are becoming a bit grating as well. This I understand.
Although I am mostly referring to the paid commenters that haunt comment sections, a few of my more adamant friends are becoming a bit grating as well. This I understand.
The comments at places like HuffPo are giving me a headache.
I am used to the desert heat here in Los Angeles. But the last few summers we have been getting hit with hella humidity. Like walk outside for 10 minutes, and you’re covered with sweat humidity. I don’t even know how to deal with that.
Of course we’re talking indoors. And likely after dark. With the AC going full blast. Or a whole bunch of fans and every window open.
They are talking heat plus humidity. I can’t imagine sexy times in 110 degree heat with 95% humidity. That hot sticky thing would just make me want to die slowly under air conditioning.
I don’t know if this is good or bad, but my daughter can throw hands with the best of them. She has no fear of throwing a punch, and she does not back down.
That’s what I’ve been hearing too. You can’t Change girlfriends every couple of years if you want to be taken seriously as a politician.
I don’t know if I can either confirm or deny that pregnancy brain exists, but I will say that what the author experienced is quite similar to what I went through around the mid point of my pregnancy with my daughter. To the point where I was filling out some form or other, and I forgot my last name. Then when I did…
As much as people hate this idea, I still maintain some level of control over my daughters phone, and social media usage. I have taught her as much as I possibly can about safe usage, and not giving out info to anyone she doesn’t know, but I still check every so often. She is actually pretty safe, but I worry. Hell I…
WTF? Mercifully, I can’t stand crowds for more than short periods of time, but with my daughter being 12, and “developing”, and there are definitely certain activities with large crowds that we get into over the summer, are we just going to have to start carrying knives now? Is this what it has come to?
I am ready to play a game. I read the blinds far too often, and so many of these celebrity relationships are just setups to make these actors and actresses appear normal and relateable. And those that aren’t PR setups have serious deals attached to them so each person has the ability to play around if need be but come…
You just made me choke on my water. Damn you!
My son’s friend saw it, and just called it “meh”. Not particularly bad, but not good either. Same impression I got from the trailers: great visuals, Skarsgard and Jackson are great, it’s just a crappy film otherwise.
Are you me?
I don’t know why, but I think that Ashley Grahm pic would be cuter from another angle. Plus I hate those tongue out pics. Cute bikini though, and she looks fantastic in it.
Not hating necessarily. I live in the South Bay, and while my grandfather used to live in West Adams, I don’t really have a reason to visit anymore. I guess when compared to Hawthorne Blvd. (after the 105), everything seems a little dead to me.
Yeah. It’s a pretty dead corner now:…
Points to Joe Mande. I am a So Cal native, and I know where Pico and Western is. Although it’s not necessarily “bad” per se, I don’t go over there unless I specifically have business over there.
So they were kicked out of a restaurant for being drunk and rude, but it can’t POSSIBLY be their fault!