Erica Washington

So I talked over the last couple of weekends about the craziness my daughter and I were going through. Well, you will be happy to know we are settled (well as settled as an adult and a tween could be) into a motel, and today we came up with something we could sell to help defray our costs, and hopefully get up enough

Me, in the summer of 1977, at the wee age of 5. Note the orange polyester jumpsuit with multi-colored zippers, and the cornrows! Does this just scream 70’s or what? :)

HJ: Have the cookie. Trust me. You will Thank yourself later.

For those who wonder where Gen-X is in this conversation, I’ll fill you in.

Know this. Any place even remotely affordable is dying a quick death. Unless you are willing to move out to the ex-urbs, and spend three to four hours a day commuting between the affordable housing and your job. They are even starting to invade the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. So many families are being

And the Award for Best Lemonade Makers goes to...the Duane Family! I know this HAD to hurt, to have your wedding called off at the last minute, but look what good they did with it. I hope, later on down the line when this hurts just a little less, that the daughter will realize just how much good she did by donating

Although Mayo is likely to be burned in effigy for this, she is bringing up a conversation that is going to happen, with or without Black people. While the Cosby show was necessary in terms of elevating the portrayal of Black Americans above the stereotypes of the time, the sociopath that created the show needs to be

I say we just let Texas secede, so long as they take Florida with them.

The five week progress report is just a snapshot of where the kids are at this time. Nothing is recorded for posterity until the 10 week report card. The grade had to do with a missing assignment that I know she had done because I check her homework against the agenda every night. When I pointed this out to the

They have weekly rates for rooms with kitchenettes, but those are all full. Hopefully, one of them will open up soon.

My outer parent would have been horrified, and rushed my daughter out of the store, while my inner teenager was laughing her ass off.

Just finished up a few days at my sister’s place, and will be moving into a motel tonight that is within the boundaries of my daughter’s school, and close to her before and after care. I can see us being there for the forseeable future.

But for my very hard to get civil service job (I am vested, which means that I actually have to fuck up really badly to be fired), and the fact that all of the support I get for my daughter is here, believe me, I would.

This is going to be a very interesting week. We started putting stuff in a small storage today, and I will finish up tomorrow.

OMG!!! Thank you! I certainly wasn’t expecting that!

A friend of mine suggested the I do a Go Fund Me to help with my living situation in the meantime. Pride-wise, especially since I have been through this before, AND very recently, at first I rejected the idea. But I swallowed my pride and did it anyway:

Thanks. :) Sincerely. I am collecting all of the good thoughts and prayers I can get.